App Features

The principle of card counting in Baccarat is based on calculating the impact of the remaining cards in each shoe on the chances of the Banker or Player. By doing so, it determines the probability of the Banker or Player winning the next round and increases the chances of placing successful bets.


User Guide

The main user interface of the software.


Displays your membership account.


Pressing [Restart] clears all data and starts a new shoe calculation.


Displays your existing credits.


Shows the number of decks used for the calculation, which can be changed in the settings page.


Displays the mode, which can be changed in the settings page.

Burn Card

Before starting a new round, the casino draws a card and reveals it to decide how many cards to burn. Here, you only need to input the card that was revealed. The value of the burned cards cannot be known, as it is a mechanism used by casinos to prevent card counting.

Calculation Results Display Area

The left side shows the expected value and probability changes for [Player], the middle displays the AI or Advanced mode calculation results, and the right side shows the expected value and probability changes for [Banker]. (When the calculated expected value and probability are more favorable than the original data, they will be highlighted in yellow).

Card Value Input Display Area

The left side shows the input card values for [Player], the middle shows the current round number, and the right side shows the input card values for [Banker].

Card Value Input Buttons

The upper purple button is used to input the card value for [Player], and the lower red button is used to input the card value for [Banker]. The button displays the remaining quantity for that card value. The initial quantity for 8 decks is 32 cards, and for 6 decks is 24 cards.


If you input an incorrect card value, you can press [Back] to delete it. The purple backspace button deletes the [Player]'s card value, and the red backspace button deletes the [Banker]'s card value.


After completing the card value input, press [Complete] to submit.

Card opened

Total number of cards dealt.

Calculation Chart

Card combinations, probability, and expected value calculation results.

Probability Change

Displays the numerical value of the probability change. Positive values indicate an increase in probability (highlighted in yellow), while negative values indicate a decrease in probability.

Display Mode

When the main interface is set to display the AI mode, this section will show the Advanced mode, and vice versa.

Burn Card

Burn Card Record.


Displays the respective quantities dealt.

Record Area

Displays all the records of cards dealt.

Contact customer service

For inquiries, please contact customer service.


Login、Update Account、Change Password、Delete Account、Logout.


Choose the calculation formula for using 8 or 6 decks of cards. The default is 8 decks.


Choose the display mode for the main interface, AI or Advanced mode. The default is AI mode.

Enable confirmation dialog

After pressing [Complete] on the main user interface, a data confirmation dialog will pop up. It is disabled by default.

Keypress Sound

Keypress sound on main user interface buttons. It is disabled by default.

Prevent screen sleep

Prevents the screen from automatically turning off. It is enabled by default.


Switch interface language.

Buy Credits

Choose items for purchase.


Displays all purchase records.


How many decks of cards are used in Baccarat

Baccarat is one of the card games that use more than one deck of cards during the session of bets. However, the number of decks may vary depending on the type of baccarat you play. The most frequent amount is eight, but some casinos use six decks as well.
There are 52 cards in a single deck, meaning that there are 416 cards in total for 8-deck variants and 312 cards for 6-deck variants. The number of cards in a deck and the number of decks affect odds in every card game, including baccarat.

How Odds Change With Deck Numbers

Baccarat enthusiasts calculated the odds and return for placing bets based on the number of decks used for playing the card game. We will take into account only the odds placed on the player and the banker.
If the game uses a one deck shoe, the odds of winning a bet on the banker are 45.9624%. On the other hand, the odds for betting on the player are 44.6760%. This pays much less than half a chance of getting wins but it does not differ too much with other decks.
The six-deck shoe will lower the odds to 45.8653% for betting on the banker and 44.6279% for placing bets on the player.
Finally, if you play the game of baccarat that has eight decks, you will further lower the odds to 45.8597% on the banker and 44.6247% on the player.
As you can see, the number of decks does increase the house edge, but the difference is not that significant.

Probability and Expectation Value in Baccarat

You can view the changes in probabilities for each card drawn during the calculation process on the「Statistical」page of the software.
The following chart displays the original data of Baccarat probabilities and expectation values obtained through calculations. From the chart, we can observe the probabilities and expectation values for「Banker」,「Player」 and 「Tie」.
The goal of card counting is to calculate these probabilities and expectation values.

Baccarat Probability

The original probabilities are「45.8597%」for「Banker」,「44.6247%」for「Player」, and「9.5156%」for「Tie」.
The probabilities change with each card drawn. The numerical values shown in blue circles on the chart represent the changes in probabilities, with positive values indicating an increase and negative values indicating a decrease in probability.

8 decks - Banker Bet
Outcome Casino Odds Combinations Probability Expectation Values
Banker Win 0.95 2292252566437888 45.8597 43.5668
Player Win -1 2230518282592256 44.6247 -44.6247
Tie 0 475627426473216 9.5156 0
Total 4998398275503360 1 -1.0579%
8 decks - Player Bet
Outcome Casino Odds Combinations Probability Expectation Values
Banker Win -1 2292252566437888 45.8597 -45.8597
Player Win 1 2230518282592256 44.6247 44.6247
Tie 0 475627426473216 9.5156 0
Total 4998398275503360 1 -1.2351%
8 decks - Tie Bet( 1 TO 8 )
Outcome Casino Odds Combinations Probability Expectation Values
Banker Win -1 2292252566437888 45.8597 -45.8597
Player Win -1 2230518282592256 44.6247 -44.6247
Tie 8 475627426473216 9.5156 76.1248
Total 4998398275503360 1 -14.3596%
8 decks - Tie Bet( 1 TO 9 )
Outcome Casino Odds Combinations Probability Expectation Values
Banker Win -1 2292252566437888 45.8597 -45.8597
Player Win -1 2230518282592256 44.6247 -44.6247
Tie 9 475627426473216 9.5156 85.6404
Total 4998398275503360 1 -4.8440%

Calculation of Expectation Value:
Expectation value for red「Banker」: 0.95 × 45.8597 - 44.6247 = 「-1.0579%」
Expectation value for purple「Player」: 44.6247 - 45.8597 =「-1.2351%」
Expectation value for green「Tie」with 1:8 payout: 8 × 9.5156 - 44.6247 - 45.8597 =「-14.3596%」
Expectation value for green「Tie」with 1:9 payout: 9 × 9.5156 - 44.6247 - 45.8597 =「-4.8440%」
This「expectation value」represents the「house edge」or「casino advantage」.
For gamblers, the expectation value for「Banker」is a negative value of「-1.0579%」. However, for the casino, this expectation value becomes the「casino advantage」for the「Banker」with a positive value of「1.0579%」.
For example, if the casino has a「Banker’s casino advantage」of 1.0579%, it means that over a long period of play, the casino can earn 1.0579 units of currency from every 100 units wagered by all gamblers.
Therefore, regardless of who wins or loses and regardless of the individual gamblers, over an extended period of play, the casino’s profit is obtained by multiplying the「total amount」wagered by all gamblers by 1.0579%.
You can see that initially, the expectation values for「Banker」,「Player」, and「Tie」are all negative:「Banker」(-1.0579%), 「Player」(-1.2351%). The expectation value for「Tie」is extremely low, so there is no room for card counting, and it is strongly advised not to bet on「Tie」.
However, these expectation values change with each card drawn. It's important to note that the lower the negative value of the expectation value, the more favorable it is for the gambler.
For example, the original expectation value for「Banker」is -1.0579%. After counting 150 cards, the expectation value for「Banker」becomes -0.6000%. At this point, the「Banker's casino advantage」is reduced to only 0.6000%. So, the lower the negative value of the expectation value, the more favorable it is for the gambler.
If the expectation value turns positive, it means that the「casino advantage」becomes negative, indicating that the casino is at a disadvantage. However, the probability of the expectation value turning positive is extremely low.
If you have a cashback program in Baccarat, you don't have to wait until the expectation value becomes positive for the casino to be at a disadvantage. Therefore, the higher the cashback, the more valuable card counting becomes.

Baccarat Expectation

Calculation Result Display Area

On the left side, the expectation value and probability changes for「Player」are displayed (highlighted in yellow when the calculated expectation value and probability are more favorable than the original data).
On the right side, the expectation value and probability changes for「Banker」are displayed (highlighted in yellow when the calculated expectation value and probability are more favorable than the original data).
In the middle, the calculation results are shown for the AI mode or advanced mode.

AI Mode:
Using artificial intelligence calculations, it provides an indicator of the advantage for「Banker」or「Player」displayed on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 indicates the weakest advantage and 10 indicates the strongest advantage. Based on your cashback ratio in the Baccarat game, you can refer to the strength indicator and choose when to place bets.

Advanced Mode:
Since card counting in Baccarat is less efficient compared to Blackjack, with fewer opportunities for betting, this software incorporates six additional calculation formulas to increase betting opportunities. Each formula is divided into three levels of strength indicator. You can use the formula results as a reference for your bets.
[Formula Explanation]
The operation of the formulas is mainly based on big data, using millions of historical betting records as a calculation basis.
Formula ➊ - Calculation based on the streakiness of individual cards.
Formula ➋ - Calculation of the possibility of surrounding cards appearing based on all the card values drawn in the current shoe.
Formula ➌ - Mainly based on big data(A), using millions of historical betting records as a calculation basis.
Formula ➍ - Mainly based on big data(B), using millions of historical betting records as a calculation basis.
Formula ➎ - Mainly based on big data(C), using millions of historical betting records as a calculation basis.
Formula ➏ - Mainly based on big data(D), using millions of historical betting records as a calculation basis.
The six formulas independently calculate the inputted card values and are not interrelated. Therefore, different betting directions may be suggested, which is normal because the results of the formula calculations are only meant as references.


Most Asked Quetions

Important Information Before Use:

The software must be connected to the internet, so please ensure a stable internet connection.

Card counting calculations should start from the first round of each shoe.

The software provides formulas for calculating with 8 decks and 6 decks. The default setting is to use 8 decks, but you can change it in the settings page to use 6 decks.

Card counting becomes more reliable with more cards counted. It is recommended to count at least 120 cards (approximately 25 rounds) before deciding when to place bets.

Card counting is a probabilistic mathematical technique, and to obtain meaningful results, it is advisable to analyze at least 100 rounds.

Calculation of each game will consume 1 Credits, which can be purchased in [Setting].

You can purchase credits within the "Settings" page of the application.

Baccarat is one of the card games that use more than one deck of cards during the session of bets. However, the number of decks may vary depending on the type of baccarat you play. The most frequent amount is eight, but some casinos use six decks as well.

Before starting a new round, the casino draws a card and reveals it to decide how many cards to burn. Here, you only need to input the card that was revealed. The value of the burned cards cannot be known, as it is a mechanism used by casinos to prevent card counting.

[ AI mode ] is the result obtained by performing calculations based on the comprehensive analysis of all data, including probabilities, expected values, and six independent formulas.
[ Advanced mode ] means personally analyzing data from various aspects.
Indeed, when you first start using it, selecting [ AI mode ] would be sufficient.

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